In just three days, Bollywood Hungama has reported that advance bookings for the Ajay Devgn and Tabu starrer Drishyam 2 are outpacing those of its predecessor. This sequel is creating a lot of noise given how successful it was when it came out last year. It’s even making headlines now with an initial sale count of over 27 thousand tickets across the three major chains – PVR, INOX and Cinepolis – on just the first day alone. And while PVR reported selling 55 thousand five hundred nine tickets so far, they’re not too far ahead of competitors Inox and Cinepolis who also sold 45 thousand two hundred ninety-two (49 962) as well as 22 thousand six hundred (22 000) respectively for all three chains combined.
Talking about Kartik Aaryan starrer Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, the horror-comedy hit screens earlier this year had registered 92,000 tickets being sold for its first day. Ever since the advance booking windows were opened for Drishyam 2, the numbers gained momentum with each passing day. We had previously reported that 58,598 tickets had been sold for day one till Thursday afternoon.
However, the number doubled as the film has already surpassed 1 million after it was released and a majority of reviews praised their performances – these actors are sure to keep bringing in big bucks at theaters across India! Directed by Abhishek Pathak, all main stars reprised their characters from part two whereas brand new actor Akshaye Khanna joined them as another police officer looking into this case.