Janhvi Kapoor–Rajkummar Rao starrer Roohi madestrong debut at the box office, collecting Rs. 3.06 cr. on its opening day. Despite the fact that it was released on a national holiday, the business saw a slight dip on the second day with Rs. 2.25 cr. collected, in line with predictions. On the third day, trade estimates suggest the movie’s revenue will likely see an increase.
Considering the , it is projected that Roohi’s business on day three will be around Rs. 2.9 cr. As it has been the case with day one and two, the top three multiplexes, namely PVR, INOX, and Cinepolis, are likely to contribute over 50% of the film’s total ticket sales. It is predicted that Roohi will make a ten–figure sum by the end of the first four-day run.