To the of the business and commerce sector, Roohi began its journey with Rs. 3.06 crores on its opening day, followed by Rs. 2.25 crores on its second day. Although this seems to be a decrease, it should be kept in mind that Thursday was Mahashivratri and Friday was a regular working day. Hence, the amount collected was in line with any film’s normal earnings in pre-pandemic times, taking into account the current circumstances.
The totalare creating an exciting outlook for the Rajkummar Rao, Janhvi Kapoor, and Varun Sharma film. From this point forward, all eyes will be watching to see how it performs in the remainder of the weekend. This is the first major movie released in almost a year, since Angrezi Medium, produced by Dinesh Vijan and Jio Studios, had to close their theatres starting on Saturday due to the shutdowns.
Despite circumstances in which theaters are closed or unable to run their shows due to night curfews, the situation does not look to be improving drastically. However, a small jump in audience attendance will indicate a more positive outcome for Roohi, leading to a fair overall box office run.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources