Rumored for weeks to come, the highly anticipated movie starring Akshay Kumar finally hit theaters this past Friday. Although it received its fair share of promotion, the film failed to keep up with other recent releases such as The Kashmir Files. With a disappointing opening day gross of Rs. 13.25 crore, Bachchhan Paandey has set itself up for an uphill battle against other competitors at the box office this weekend.
Opening up with Rs. 37.25 cr, Akshay Kumar’s latest release has shown some definite improvement when compared to his earlier work – even taking into account projects like ‘Gabbar is back’ (Rs. 39.41 crores) and ‘Tees Maar Khan’ (Rs. 38.25 crores). However, it still couldn’t keep up against competitive adversaries such as ‘Airlift’ (Rs 76-cr), but the film does rank high for what it is worth – playing its cards just right in order to attract a particular target audience demographic which was much needed during this time of an economic slowdown for India’s rural areas where majority of these workers reside.
Overall, Bachchan Paandey managed to pull through despite inconsistent projections from analysts on whether the movie would survive its first opening week – one thing being for sure that trade reports on how it’ll fare were met with heavy skepticism by those who had been following Indian Box Office trends over the years.
Akshay Kumar’s Highest Opening Weekend Grossers at a glance:
Mission Mangal – Rs. 97.56 cr
2.0 – Rs. 97.25 cr
Kesari – Rs. 78.07 cr
Sooryavanshi – Rs. 77.08 cr
Gold – Rs. 70.05 cr
Good Newwz – Rs. 65.99 cr
Singh Is Bliing – Rs. 54.44 cr
Brothers – Rs. 52.08 cr
Housefull 4 – Rs. 46.50 cr
Airlift – Rs. 44.30 cr
Housefull 2 – Rs. 42.50 cr
Holiday – Rs. 41.32 cr
Boss – Rs. 40.75 cr
PadMan – Rs. 40.05 cr
Once Upon A Tiime in Mumbaai Dobaara! – Rs. 40 cr
Gabbar Is BacRs. 39.40 cr
Tees Maar Khan – Rs. 38.25 cr
Bachchhan Paandey – Rs. 37.25 cr