Taapsee Pannu is captivating the silver screens once more, with the thriller Do Baaraa produced by Anurag Kashyap. This Indian adaptation of Spanish film Mirage had its release just two days ago. The plot delves into an age-spanning mystery, set in a horror and thrilling backdrop accompanied by revolutionary concepts of time travel. It is an exhilarating ride which has something novel to offer.
When the movie was released in international theaters, the opening day box office results were far from encouraging. By the end of its first day in Australia, the film had sold less than a dozen tickets, grossing just $88 (approximately ₹7,032).
Although the reviews for this movie have been mixed, only time can tell if it will become successful at the box office. Unfortunately, two other major releases from last week – Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan – have had a dismal showing in theatres.
Australia box office
88 USD [Rs. 7,033] from 1 screen
U.S.A box office
6,800 USD [Rs. 5.43 lacs] from 44 screens
Canada box office
1,517 USD [Rs. 1.21 lacs] from 5 screens