In this column, it was predicted that Street Dancer 3D would open in Rs. 15-18 crores range. Of course, ABCD – Any Body Can Dance 2 (2015) had opened at around the same price point five years ago and people were expecting for better numbers from the newest iteration by Remo D’Souza. However, contrary to expectations, the film only managed Rs. 10.26 crores on its first day release. This may have been due to factors such as inadequate marketing or lack of buzz but there are no certainties to which we can attribute these underwhelming figures yet.
On the other hand, this film has been welcomed by critics and audiences alike. Receiving good reviews from both sides will hopefully boost ticket sales for the movie now and in the future. Reviews from college students and families were largely positive. Even though there is competition from Raja Hindustani as well as Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior, Street Dancer 3D seems to be holding its own quite nicely; raking up about 30-40 crore after being out for only two weeks in India (Street Dancers).
With such stiff competition, especially between a popular actress like Preity Zinta alongside Bollywood stars Alia Bhatt, Kriti Sanon, Varun Dhawan; it would seem that content overall may have an even better chance at reaching an audience while they’re watching this entertaining production which I found was mediocre in places with missed opportunities elsewhere.