On Thursday, August 11th, the Akshay Kumar–led Raksha Bandhan hit theaters. Directed by Aanand L Rai, it premiered against the Aamir Khan feature Laal Singh Chaddha; however, analysts remained hopeful that the former’s prospects were positive.
We’ve been closely monitoring the global box office of Raksha Bandhan, analyzing both domestic and international revenues. India alone earned a hefty Rs. 45.6 crore in gross earnings, while foreign markets brought in another Rs. 8.30 crore – this results in an impressive worldwide collection of Rs. 53.90 cr!
Raksha Bandhan Worldwide Box Office at a glance
India box office Nett – Rs. 38.30 cr.
India box office Gross – Rs. 45.6 cr.
Overseas Gross – Rs. 8.30 cr.
Worldwide collections Gross – Rs. 53.9 cr.