On 11th August, the much–awaited Akshay Kumar starrer Raksha Bandhan, helmed by the renowned director Aanand L Rai, released in theatres with Bhumi Pednekar as the leading lady and an impressive ensemble cast. Sadly, the movie’s box–office success was hindered by its coinciding release with Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha.
In this financial analysis, we will review the revenue of Raksha Bandhan generated in the foreign markets on Day 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
Australia box office
Day 1 – 7,373 USD [Rs. 5.87 lacs] from 43 screens
Day 2 – 14,077 USD [Rs. 11.20 lacs] from 47 screens [+81.10%]
Day 3 – 18,606 USD [Rs. 14.81 lacs] from 51 screens [+32.17%]
New Zealand box office
Day 1 – 3,284 USD [Rs. 2.61 lacs] from 22 screens
Day 2 – 8,164 USD [Rs. 6.50 lacs] from 29 screens [+148.60%]
Day 3 – 11,748 USD [Rs. 9.35 lacs] from 27 screens [+43.90%]