Just two weeks ago, audiences had the pleasure of enjoying two eagerly–awaited Bollywood offerings in the shape of Raksha Bandhan and Laal Singh Chaddha. Releasing during the celebration of Rakshabandhan, both were expected to break records at the box office. Alas, against expectations, Raksha Bandhan starring Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar has made a dismal showing with stunningly low collections. To add insult to injury, its takings further diminished during its second weekend – much to everyone’s surprise.
In this report, we observe the second weekend earnings of Raksha Bandhan compared to other movies released in 2022. Unfortunately, the movie earned only Rs. 3.90 cr which made it the twelfth highest second weekend grosser that year; even more shockingly, the film trailed behind Badhaai Do (Rs. 4.29 cr) led by Rajkummar Rao. Comparing Raksha Bandhan with Akshay Kumar’s earlier works makes its dismal performance apparent – with collections amounting to Rs. 28 cr only, it became his lowest grossing work since 2014’s The Shaukeens!
Moving ahead, Raksha Bandhan, which had only limited acceptance from the viewers, has all but disappeared from theatres. In reality, if it maintains its current speed, Raksha Bandhan might be unable to cross the Rs. 50 crore milestone as it stands at a meager Rs. 42.20 crore.
Highest Second Weekend Grossers of 2022 at a glance:
The Kashmir Files – Rs. 70.15 cr
KGF – Chapter 2 – Rs. 52.49 cr
RRR – Rs. 52 cr
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 – Rs. 30.64 cr
Gangubai kathiawadi – Rs. 23.29 cr
JugJugg Jeeyo – Rs. 13.88 cr
Samrat Prithviraj – Rs. 7.25 cr
Ek Villain Returns – Rs. 6.02 cr
Runway 34 – Rs. 4.75 cr
Laal Singh Chaddha – Rs. 4.55 cr
Badhaai Do – Rs. 4.29 cr
Raksha Bandhan – Rs. 3.90 cr