On Tuesday, Raksha Bandhan plummeted by 85 percent, followed by a 20 percent dive on Wednesday and yet another slide of 20 percent on Thursday. Early estimates point towards the movie collecting in the range of Rs. 1.0 to 1.1 crores for its eighth day, taking the lifetime total to Rs. 38.3 crores so far – leaving it with an estimated grand total of just Rs. 45 crores; a disastrous outcome without doubt.
The audiences in the cities and rural areas did not take to Raksha Bandhan with enthusiasm, and according to on-ground reports, since its release date the movie hasn’t made it into double digits. The upcoming holiday season might contribute towards bringing in total box office collections of Rs. 45 crores; without it, the figure could have been even lower than Bell Bottom’s Rs. 35 crores haul. If the festive season didn’t give the film a push, the results could have been worse
After two Fridays, Raksha Bandhan and Laal Singh Chaddha will be out of most cinemas, so much so that even Dobaara might receive more screenings than them in the approaching weekend.