The much–anticipated Aanand L Rai directorial featuring Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar, Raksha Bandhan, hit cinemas last Thursday on the auspicious day of Rakshabandhan, 11th August. Expected to have a great opening due to its emotional family drama narrative, the opening day business of the movie unfortunately came in below expectations at Rs. 8.20 crore. Thereafter, the collections of the Akshay Kumar starrer dropped further on its second day. Nevertheless, at the end of its opening weekend in theatres, the film’s business managed to remain fairly decent.
This box office report assesses the opening weekend collections of Raksha Bandhan in comparison to other films released in 2022. Raksha Bandhan collected an impressive Rs. 28.16 cr, thus edging out the previous weekend’s release of The Kashmir Files at Rs. 27.15 cr to emerge as the ninth highest opening weekend grosser of 2022. Comparatively, films like KGF – Chapter 2, RRR, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, Samrat Prithviraj, Gangubai Kathiawadi, JugJugg Jeeyo, Bachchhan Paandey, and Shamshera have achieved higher opening weekend collections than Raksha Bandhan, with KGF – Chapter 2 being the highest at Rs. 193.99 cr, and Shamshera being the lowest at Rs. 31.75 cr.
As of now, Raksha Bandhan is still showing in cinemas and has gained much attention in markets and towns of tier two and tier three. The outlook of the movie is expected to rise further as Monday marks a national holiday due to the celebration of Independence Day. This has led analysts to forecast that Raksha Bandhan’s box office revenue will observe a good boost.
Top 10 Highest Opening Weekend Grossers of 2022 at a glance:
KGF – Chapter 2 – Rs. 193.99 cr
RRR – Rs. 75.57 cr
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 – Rs. 55.96 cr
Samrat Prithviraj – Rs. 39.40 cr
Gangubai Kathiawadi – Rs. 39.12 cr
JugJugg Jeeyo – Rs. 36.93 cr
Bachchhan Paandey – Rs. 36.17 cr
Shamshera – Rs. 31.75 cr
Raksha Bandhan – Rs. 28. 16 cr
The Kashmir Files – Rs. 27.15 cr