A film directed by Mani Ratnam called Ponniyin Selvan has recently been doing well at the south Indian Box Office – with it’s release two weeks ago, the South Indian Box Office saw a rise in audiences coming to see this movie. After taking off really well on opening night – quickly establishing itself as one of the most popular movies out of all Tamil Movies – Ponniyan Selavan continues to do good business today too, bringing in 127.68 crore rupees in its first week after release.
Going even further, over its second week running PS-1 despite seeing a decrease in business managed to rake in an additional Rs. 56.53 crores. Now in its third week, the Mani Ratnam directed film has seen Rs. 3.33 crores and Rs. 6.95 crores coming in respectively on its 15th and 16th day running; interestingly, estimates state that the business of the film will see an addition 8-9 crores coming in on Day 17, taking their total earnings at the Tamil Nadu box office above 200 crore rupees (2 million dollars). What is interesting about this feat is what makes this film so special – with Ponniyin Selvan making it past the mark of one hundred twenty crore rupees ($200 million), this movie becomes Kollywood’s first ever release to earn such a high grossing amount at theatres across India!
Ponniyin Selvan still stands strong in both the domestic and international markets. Trade predictions for PS-1 predicts continued growth for as long as we can foresee ahead of us.