The movie Laal Singh Chaddha, directed by Advait Chandan and featuring Aamir Khan in the lead role, made its grand debut on the big screen yesterday. In the days leading up to its release, it had become the talk of the town, with industry insiders expecting a high-profile opening due to the upcoming Raksha Bandhan festival. Alas, this was not to be, and the movie failed to make an impactful first impression, much to the surprise of everyone.
Laal Singh Chaddha, featuring Aamir Khan, had an excellent opening day in overseas markets like the USA, Canada and the UK. In this report, we look into the performance of the movie in the overseas markets on its first day of release.
U.K box office
105,421 USD [Rs. 84.05 lacs] from 319 screens
U.S.A box office
197,534 USD [Rs. 1.57 crore] from 421 screens
Canada box office
110,133 USD [Rs. 87.80 lacs] from 49 screens