The Advait Chandan–directed Laal Singh Chaddha featuring Aamir Khan, was released in theatres on Thursday. On its opening day, the movie received a lukewarm response in the overseas markets, with lower figures than that of Thugs of Hindostan, despite more screens. On its second day, however, the film registered an impressive growth of 68.23% in Australia and an extraordinary 140.36% growth in New Zealand. It kept its upward trajectory on the third day as well, exhibiting a considerable increment in both the countries.
Laal Singh Chaddha overseas box office
Australia box office
Day 1 – 75,455 USD [Rs. 60.07 lacs] from 120 screens
Day 2 – 126,936 USD [Rs. 1.01 cr.] from 124 screens [+68.23%]
Day 3 – 179,325 USD [Rs. 1.42 crores] from 119 screens [+41.27%]
New Zealand box office
Day 1 – 9,006 USD [Rs. 7.17 lacs] from 37 screens
Day 2 – 21,647 USD [Rs. 17.23 lacs] from 42 screens [+140.36%]
Day 3 – 33,911 USD [Rs. 27 lacs] from 44 screens [+56.65%]