The highly anticipated movie Laal Singh Chaddha directed by Advait Chandan, featuring Aamir Khan, opened to screens across the world on Thursday. It had a steady start at the overseas box office, however, on its first day it managed to collect a figure even lower than the first–day opening of Thugs of Hindostan, even with more number of screens. Fortunately, the film gained some momentum on its second and third days, registering an increase of 68.23% and 140.36% respectively in Australia and New Zealand. The film ended up with a combined box office collection of 626k USD [Rs. 4.98 cr.] in both countries during its opening weekend.
Laal Singh Chaddha overseas box office
Australia box office
Day 1 – 75,455 USD [Rs. 60.07 lacs] from 120 screens
Day 2 – 126,936 USD [Rs. 1.01 cr.] from 124 screens
Day 3 – 179,325 USD [Rs. 1.42 crores] from 119 screens
Day 4 – 152,159 USD [Rs. 1.21 crores] from 129 screens
New Zealand box office
Day 1 – 9,006 USD [Rs. 7.17 lacs] from 37 screens
Day 2 – 21,647 USD [Rs. 17.23 lacs] from 42 screens
Day 3 – 33,911 USD [Rs. 27 lacs] from 44 screens
Day 4 – 27,874 USD [Rs. 22.19 lacs] from 42 screens