Vivek Agnihotri’s The Kashmir Files, which was released on Friday, March 11th, has quickly become an audience favorite in theaters surpassing the other releases like Radhe Shyam, Gangubai Kathiawadi and Batman. In spite of being released on limited screens (650) across India it had a powerful opening weekend (Day 1). Due to its success from audiences through word-of-mouth the film increased their number of screens up to 3200 over this past weekend (Day 2) and made Rs. 8.50 crores more than they were projected for.
Based on ticket sales alone, The Kashmir Files was widely anticipated – but clashing against the cult hit Indian film Radheshsyam made it hard to promote this latest production. But fans have been showing a lot of interest in seeing it which gives its makers hope that they can easily break into the 500 million rupees mark ($100 million). Despite its poor reviews and receiving mixed reactions from fans, it will surpass Raghav Baharanchalana’s box office success.
Once boasting only 600 screens nationwide, more than 4200 screens will now display The Kashmir Plays before coming up against Akshay Kumar’s newest Bollywood movie in just one month since its release – continuing what seems to be a losing battle for both films to top the other; despite being considered entertaining cinema fare by most critics.