The Kashmir Files directed by Vivek Agnihotri has been unstoppable at the box office since its release. The film started out modestly with a collection of Rs. 3.55 crores but grew exponentially each day, even surpassing Akshay Kumar’s Bachchan Pandey when it came to collections. It was an unusual success given that the film only had 13 days to show some profit-it managed to reach Rs. 200 crores without fail though!
Collecting Rs.200 crore, The Kashmir Files has now become the first film for director Vivek Agnihotri that has managed to enter this highly coveted club. With this accomplishment, Agnihotri will join the likes of Sooraj Barjatiya, Sajid Nadiadwala, Rakesh Roshan, and other directors who each have one film that has made it past the ₹200 crore mark.
For the film itself, The Kashmir Files shares its spot with Shahid Kapoor’s Kabir Singh which collected ₹206 crore over thirteen days at release–currently though The Kashmir Files dominates theatres while anticipation builds around SS Rajamouli’s next release RRR. Trade predictions state however that these numbers are unlikely to last long due to increased competition from films like Rangasthalam. Despite this prognosis though, business for The Kashmir Files is expected to grow.