It was a much better Saturday for Doctor G as Rs. 5.22 crores came in; ideally, these should have been the Friday numbers but then post-pandemic expectations had been kept under check and hence anything in Rs. 3-5 crores was expected as the first day total. After that was accomplished with Rs. 3.87 crores coming in, it was all about how much would the film make on Saturday and while 6 crores were more optimal to suggest an overall good weekend total, at least Rs. 5 crores were needed to break even this time around if it wanted any chance of doing so next week or potentially years down the line if things went well enough on initial projections from today’s performance over here (Saturday).
With that happening, at least the hope is alive now that this Ayushmann Khurrana led film might break even. Of course it’s not out of the woods yet and there is still a lot left to do before then. However, so far it has been looking good for us too – we haven’t been one of those dead-on-arrival movies which were released and then bombed within just two days. If these trends continue for another few days, our fate looks like it might finally change for the better when people come back again on Wednesday evening for second weekend earnings.
So far, the film starring Rakul Preet Singh and Shefali Shah in other principle roles has collected Rs. 9.09 crores, but ideally it would have reached a much more stable number of Rs. 18-20 crores by this point in the weekend. Thankfully that is not happening for Doctor G., who only reached an amount of Rs. 12-13 crores so far during this opening weekend!
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources