Actor Ajay Devgn and director Nishikant Kamat’s drama Drishyam 2, which took the story of the Salgaonkar family forward, was released on Wednesday. The film drew in positive reviews from critics and favourable feedback from audiences. In fact, it collected Rs. 15.38 crores during its opening day- higher than estimated figures that predicted an amount closer to Rs 14 crore or less. On Thursday morning, footfall increased at cinemas as people came out to watch this emotional movie again.
As per reports, morning and early afternoon shows have showed a 40% growth over yesterday for Drishyam 2. This staggering increase in patronage is attributed to the fact that film enjoys great recall value from its first instalment which wowed audiences. This coupled with the fact that Drishyam 2 also features the trademark suspense which worked magic for the first release, has gone a long way in cementing this new release’s place at the box office.
Going forward, Drishyam 2 has had an overwhelmingly positive response from audiences during both its morning and afternoon showings; but it seems that many people would rather stay home for night time shows as well. Whether it will take $19 million or even $20 million on its second day remains to be seen – but based off of these trends so far, anything is possible!