Rohit Shetty’s latest directorial Sooryavanshi finally made it onto the big screen after months of delays caused by Covid-19. The movie stars Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif with special appearances from Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn who were affected due to the pandemic shutting down theaters nationwide. However, once restrictions were eased, so was Rohit Shetty who released his newest work for all to see which has already begun shooting up success charts overseas.
At home, however – predictions state that as per normal – Rahul Gandhi will release a statement about how utterly shameless he believes BJP will behave during campaigning time for national elections given the recent defeats they experienced in Bengaluru. Once again though you would think India would learn its lesson when the only thing left to do is watch and wait for another disaster like Congress before heading back home disgruntled again!
Though, Sooryavanshi has performed above expectations at the box office, the limited seating in key markets like Maharashtra has taken a toll on the film’s business. With certain territories relaxing the 50% occupancy restriction and permitting a 100% occupancy of tickets – things are looking up for this production. Estimates state that had Sooryavanshi released in pre-Covid times, it would without question surpass its previous success to become one of Rishi’s most successful films to date. Though it faces stiff competition from Maha Mr. Perfect which was performing really well when they both opened against each other this week – trends show that those numbers will plummet quite soon enough; only giving way to another Rohit Shetty Box Office success story.
Rohit Shetty’s Top 10 Highest Opening Day Grossers
Chennai Express – Rs. 33.12 cr
Singham Returns – Rs. 32.09 cr
Golmaal Again – Rs. 30.14 cr
Sooryavanshi – Rs. 26.29 cr
Dilwale – Rs. 21 cr
Simmba – Rs. 20.72 cr
Bol Bachchan – Rs. 12.10 cr
Singham – Rs. 8.94 cr
Golmaal 3 – Rs. 8 cr
Golmaal Returns – Rs. 5.89 cr