The latest movie from Akshay Kumar, Sooryavanshi was released last week to an overwhelming reception from audiences and critics alike. After performing well domestically during its first weekend, the movie’s income abroad grew steadily for the remainder of its theatrical run so far – bringing in over Rs 130 crore worldwide after only 4 days. Of this sum, 108 crores came domestically while Rs 28 crores came internationally.
Adding this up with domestic earnings to date (currently at 111 crores), Sooryavanshi has managed a staggering total of 137 crore (as of now). Surprisingly enough, the film which incidentally is one of the first big-ticket Hindi movies to hit screens since India’s recent economic slump actually lured people back into theaters across the globe given how well it continues to perform right now. Trade predictions put the total earnings for Sooryavanshi at 200 crores already (or even more) by today’s standards!
Sooryavanshi Worldwide Box Office at a glance
India Gross: Rs. 109.04 cr.
Overseas Gross: Rs. 28.04 cr.
Total Gross: 137.08 cr.