The much discussed and greatly anticipated Yash starred KGF Chapter 2 premiered last week Thursday. Hitting an enormous 10,000 screens around the world with different languages, the movie was seen to be a blockbuster before it even came out. Succeeding the expectations set for it, this film has been making insane profits domestically and internationally so far too. In fact, it only took four days since its release for this picture to make Rs 193.99 crores already!
But even this wasn’t all; KGF Chapter 2 just achieved an extraordinary feat. Accumulating INR 40+ crore through the fourth day of release, two days earning more than INR 50 crore altogether. In addition to achieving milestones, they became one of the top 10 highest-earning single day earning films – which surpasses blockbuster Hindi films such as War (Rs 53.35 crores), Thugs of Hindostan (Rs 52.25 crores) and Sanju (INR 46.71 crores).
What is most astonishing though is that these numbers are not finalised yet since reports state that KGF-Chapter 2 shows no sign of slowing down with hordes arriving in theatres on a daily basis! Provided there are no hiccups from here onwards, it’s likely that this movie would not only exceed INR 200 crores worth but near Rs 300 crores too within its first week-long run alone!
KGF – Chapter 2
Day 1 – 53.95 cr.
Day 2 – 46.79 cr.
Day 3 – 42.90 cr.
Day 4 – 50.35 cr.
Baahubali 2 – The Conclusion
Day 1 – 41 cr.
Day 2 – 40.50 cr.
Day 3 – 46.50 cr.
Day 4 – 40.25 cr.