The upcoming Kartik Aaryan starrer Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 has been making waves in the news recently. With big stars releasing below average films in recent weeks, people have sky-high expectations for this film as well – which is due to release next Friday. However, will it satisfy audiences? Or will it also tank at the box office like other films from last couple of weeks? Reports suggest that advance bookings for this movie look quite good so far – even though there was a slow start when tickets went online yesterday morning.
Going by some media reports, advance ticket sales are looking positive enough to reach over Rs 20 crores on the first day alone! It seems like we’re looking at an opening weekend collection of 40+ crore rupees ($6 million USD) right now! This doesn’t include revenues made through satellite rights deals and pre-release music album sales too!
In a bid to make the film accessible to the widest possible audience, T-series and Cine1 studios have decided to open booking reservations at lower than usual pricing. Tickets for Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 are set at below average prices compared to other recent releases – this move is seen as an attempt from the makers of the film keep fans happy.
The team behind Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 is hopeful about its reception so far and believes that it will be able to generate enough revenue given time; even though it has been subject of mixed reviews thus far . Trade reports indicate initial positive reactions from both single screen theatre goers and those watching movies in popular multiplexes across India – these responses give cause for optimism concerning long term success of one of the only Bollywood films released in recent weeks.