With every passing day, hopes of how well Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 will do have been growing in a significant way. Initially, many were curious if the film would even break opening records – but then people wanted to know if it could become an Indian cinema giant. Some wondered if this would be the most profitable collaboration for director Anees Bazmee and actor Kartik Aaryan; others wanted to know if Rs.150 crores lifetime earnings was feasible – but now people are asking if Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 has a chance of reaching an even higher milestone of Rs.175 crores lifetime earnings!
All of this was happening because the film had seen some impressive momentum in the second weekend. On Saturday it managed to break a 10-figure number yet again with its collection reaching Rs. 11.35 crores on Saturday alone – almost double the amount it made on Friday at Rs. 6.52 crores – with this movie breaking into the 100 Crore Club thanks to its current net worth of RS 109.92 crores, close enough to make it past the coveted 125 crore milestone soon enough given how things are shaping up today too!
With this, Kartik Aaryan has now scored his second century after Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety. Ditto for Anees Bazmee who has yet another film in the 100 Crore Club after Ready. As for Kiara Advani, she has already scored biggies in the form of Kabir Singh and Good News while MS Dhoni: The Untold Story was her third score over a hundred crore rupees (US$1=Rs 61).
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources