Released last week, the SS Rajamouli directorial RRR received a positive response from critics. Consisting of stars such as Ram Charan, Jr. NTR, Alia Bhatt, and Ajay Devgn, this film has been rocking the box office after its phenomenal opening day worth Rs. 20.07 cr with an increase in business over the past three days on Sunday (Rs. 15.02 cr), Monday (Rs. 12.03 cr), and Tuesday (Rs. 6 crores).
Having collected Rs. 107.59 crores in just five days of its release, RRR has joined the prestigious Rs. 100 Crore Club and attained 97th position amongst all Indian movies ever! What makes this achievement even more impressive is that at current rates, SS Rajamouli has now overtaken veteran directors such as Rajkumar Hirani (director of Munna Bhai M.B.B.S., 3 Idiots) and Ali Abbas Zafar (director of Tiger Zinda Hai). With his latest work having broken into the elite Rs. 100 crore club after two consecutive releases had done so before him (Bahubali – The Beginning [2015] and Baahubali 2 – The Conclusion [2017]), these numbers make Rajamouli the only director with three consecutively successful back-to-back movie launches for an Indian language film under Hindi Cinema history.*
Going forward, people are still optimistic about the possible earnings of RRR. In fact, predictions say that up until now it has been estimated that the total earnings for this movie have been around Rs. 107.59 crore but it will most likely increase to over Rs. 150 crore in a few days time.