Film ’83’ collected Rs. 102 crores* at the box office and may end up bringing in a couple of crores more. Even though it was well put together, curiously, it didn’t receive much attention. When you’re unable to pinpoint what went wrong despite there being so many aspects involved in its production (including budget), all hope seems lost.
What’s done is done, this is what has happened with ’83’. It was a passion project for all those who were closely affiliated with it; from actors to directors to producers – they all worked tirelessly on something special and mesmerizing. From marketing campaigns to release dates – nothing was left unturned when they were piecing together this film that felt like a big budget movie waiting to happen. Yet even after such success, ’83’ only managed half of its potential earnings–this leaves us without closure.
Nonetheless, after three weeks of screening without any competition, the movie has been shown only five times a day on average and barely made back its investment. It would’ve received more attention if it had enough foot traffic but unfortunately that wasn’t so and it will end up making about ₹1.04-1.05 crores in total (or around $104-$105 million).
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources