Valimai, a film starring Ajith Kumar, was released earlier this week and received a positive response from critics. Due to the lack of new releases since the outbreak of the pandemic, audiences have been eagerly awaiting new films to be released on the big screen. The release of Valimai, an action thriller, was well-received by audiences who were excited to have a new film to watch. The film has also been doing well in overseas markets, which is a positive indication of its potential for success.
Given the current situation, the film industry has been facing several challenges, and the success of a new film is a welcome change. The film’s ability to attract audiences both in India and abroad suggests that it has broad appeal and is likely to continue to perform well in the coming days. The film has been able to tap into the audience’s need for new and exciting content, which is evident in its strong opening weekend at the box office.
This box office report will examine the overseas collections of the film Valimai.
Australia box office
45,344 USD [Rs. 34.04 lacs] from 56 screens [Thu]
29,501 USD [Rs. 22.14 lacs] from 55 screens [Fri]
39,438 USD [Rs. 29.60 lacs] from 57 screens [Sat]
New Zealand box office
4,695 USD [Rs. 3.52 lacs] from 14 screens [Thu]
3,473 USD [Rs. 2.60 lacs] from 16 screens [Fri]
3,162 USD [Rs. 2.37 lacs] from 16 screens [Sat]
U.K box office
57,851 USD [Rs. 43.43 lacs] from 54 screens [Thu]
23,215 USD [Rs. 17.42 lacs] from 55 screens [Fri]
44,400 USD [Rs. 33.33 lacs] from 52 screens [Sat]
U.S.A box office
138,008 USD [Rs. 1.03 cr.] from 178 screens [Wed]
40,541 USD [Rs. 30.43 lacs] from 176 screens [Thu]
64,762 USD [Rs. 48.62 lacs] from 197 screens [Fri]
10,258 USD [Rs. 7.70 lacs] from 30 screens [Sat]
Canada box office
2,655 USD [Rs. 1.99] from 2 screens [Wed]
620 USD [Rs. 46,546] from 1 screen [Thu]
246 USD [Rs. 18,468] from 1 screen [Fri]