The Hindi movie Chhichhore, directed by Nitesh Tiwari and starring Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor has recently been released. The film, marking Mr. Tiwari’s first directorial effort after the release of Aamir Khan’s blockbuster Dangal, was praised for its immense visuals as well as intricate plotline. Despite releasing only last week, it is already dominating Indian theatres both critically and commercially; posting excellent numbers for its second Friday even!
In this box office report, we take a look at the progress of Chhichhore in relation to other films released so far. Despite new releases being put up against it, Chhichhore continues to rake up cash for its producers. This week the film made Rs. 5.34 crore from ticket sales- making it one of the four highest second Friday grossers for 2019 so far! In fact, when pitted against earlier films released like Total Dhamaal which made Rs. 4.75 crore and Super 30 which made Rs. 4.52 crore (on their respective second Fridays) – Chhichhore does come out on top due to it having earned more than these films despite competition from them!
Though Chhichhore did not break any records at the box office and was surpassed by films like Kabir Singh, Mission Mangal, and Uri- The Surgical Strike (which has made Rs. 100 crores so far), it still managed to keep up steady numbers on its second Friday of release. Now, we will just have to see if Chhichhore can make it past this point or if there are too many strong films out right now that are causing significant damage during this low season.
Top 10 Highest 2nd Friday Grossers of 2019
Movie Name – 2nd Friday Box Office Collections
Kabir Singh – Rs. 12.21 cr
Mission Mangal – Rs. 7.83 cr
Uri – The Surgical Strike – Rs. 7.70 cr
Chhichhore – Rs. 5.34 cr
Total Dhamaal – Rs. 4.75 cr
Super 30 – Rs. 4.52 cr
Kesari – Rs. 4.45 cr
Bharat – Rs. 4.30 cr
Badla – Rs. 4.05 cr
Gully Boy – Rs. 3.90 cr