Salman Khan-starring Dabangg 3 continued to be unable to maintain its audience after the first week. After earning Rs. 24.5 crores on its opening day, this number fell off significantly, so much so that by Thursday it only made Rs. 7 crores in revenue; a number which could not be recovered from over the remainder of the days allotted in the long weekend.
The film collected an additional 3.90 crores and now the total gross for the Prabhu Deva-directed affair is up to 131.38 crores*. This number should increase next week, meaning it will be neck-to-neck with four other films also near its final lifetime gross of approximately 140 crores – Super 30 [Rs. 147.30 crores], Dream Girl [Rs. 142.26 crore] and Gully Boy [140].
It is likely that Dabangg 3 will go head-to-head with Good News at some point and have a similar lifetime. Although, producing the film costs much less than it would for Good News.