After a fairly successful week where Rs. 126.55 crores were earned, Dabangg 3 saw a considerable decline after that. Collections went just about Rs. 20 crore* in the next week and with this, the total earnings stand at Rs. 147.80 crores*.
It is not surprising, then, that the financial situation has deteriorated so quickly given that these cracks were present from day one of release – which caused lower than usual box office returns for a Prabhu Dheva directed film. Indeed, without New Year festivities causing people to take some days off work during the second week leading up to January 1st – these figures could have been even lower at Rs. 4-5 crores less than what they are currently sitting at (although we won’t know until accounts are closed).
Nonetheless, the film has still done well enough to earn around Rs. 150 crores so far. Saaho stands at Rs.150 crore already and it should be able to surpass these figures soon. With its next few targets being Kesari [Rs.154.41crore], Total Dhamaal[Rs 152].23 crore] and Chhichhore[Rs 151].09crore], it would only be right of this blockbuster to break some records too!
In the list of Top-10 highest grossing films this year, Chhichhore comes in at No. 10 with an earnings total of Rs. 153.09 crores under its belt. This will likely be the goal for Dabangg 3 to surpass if it wants to make it into the coveted Top-10 ranking next year.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited