It was predicted in this column that Chhapaak will take an opening in the range of Rs. 5-7 crores. This is what happened as Rs. 4.77 crores came on the first day. Though this is on the lower side of the range, the numbers are still there for the film which belongs to a genre which doesn’t offer conventional entertainment and offers something different than regular movies do. The film was meant to find audiences primarily at major multiplexes at urban centers; and it did so too, which comes as no surprise given how underrated offbeat films tend to be – they were made with these specific people in mind, after all!
Critical acclaim and positive word-of-mouth have led the way for the movie. Some people might not be satisfied with certain aspects of it, but they haven’t had anything bad to say either. This bodes well for its future success, because there are still two days left before it closes up shop.
When Deepika Padukone signed up for this project, there was always a bit of worry because she only had two years since the success of Padmaavat which had brought her to fame. She trusted Meghna Gulzar’s vision and not only acted in the film but also became its producer. Thankfully Fox Star Studios believed too, so now all that matters is how many people watch it this weekend – we’ll see if we can reach our ultimate goal then!