Yesterday on August 11, we witnessed the much–anticipated launch of Akshay Kumar–led Raksha Bandhan. Directed by Aanand L Rai, this film also features Bhumi Pednekar and a distinguished cast, premiering on the important festival of Raksha Bandhan itself. Unfortunately, the box office collection of Raksha Bandhan has been put to the test due to the release of Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha on the same day
For this box office review, we’ll take a look at the worldwide earnings of Raksha Bandhan on the first and second day respectively.
Australia box office
Day 1 – 7,373 USD [Rs. 5.87 lacs] from 43 screens
Day 2 – 14,077 USD [Rs. 11.20 lacs] from 47 screens [+81.10%]
New Zealand box office
Day 1 – 3,284 USD [Rs. 2.61 lacs] from 22 screens
Day 2 – 8,164 USD [Rs. 6.50 lacs] from 29 screens [+148.60%]