The movie Shamshera featuring Ranbir Kapoor, helmed by Karan Malhotra and co–starring Sanjay Dutt and Vaani Kapoor, released on Friday of last week, but it has been struggling at the box office ever since. It had a slow start and the lack of audience attraction has caused the business of this Yash Raj Films production to remain stagnant on its first Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, the film has failed to captivate its viewers.
Now entering its fourth day in cinemas, reports suggest that Shamshera’s fortunes are quickly plummeting. Reportedly, it has seen a whopping 60% drop in occupancy on its fourth day in comparison to its opening day. Interestingly, its downfall is even greater than the drops recorded by Shahid Kapoor’s Jersey (50.51%) and Akshay Kumar’s Samrat Prithviraj (53.27%) on their respective first Mondays. To make matters worse, morning shows of Shamshera are being met with an abysmal 3% occupancy rate in the majority of its venues, with certain areas even cancelling shows due to its unpopularity.
The extraordinary 4,350 cinema screens all over the nation has led to a decline in theater capacity, yet the collective denial of the movie by spectators has certainly spelled disaster. Based on the existing pattern, Shamshera may observe its fourth-day box office numbers to be near Rs. 4 cr.