Sunday was a day of disappointment for Liger [Hindi], as it saw its collections drop to Rs. 3.75 crores* compared to the previous days figure of Rs. 4.50 crores. While the amount didn’t differ from Saturday, usually this would be followed by an increase on Monday; however, the pandemic has disrupted the typical box office dynamics and thus resulted in a decline instead of growth.
Of course, the T20 match between India and Pakistan on Thursday evening had a major influence on box office collections for the movie. Nonetheless, morning and afternoon showings weren’t particularly impressive either. In three days, the film has accumulated an impressive Rs. 13.75 crore*, with even the paid preview shows of Thursday night taken into consideration. If things keep going in this way, its lifetime earnings are likely to be in the region of Rs. 23-25 crore.
On Friday, Karthikeya 2 [Hindi] passed the Rs. 20 crore mark and has been holding its own in the third weekend of release. On Sunday it grossed an additional Rs. 1.77 crores which is largely in line with Saturday’s collections. Going into the weekdays there is expected to be fair showing, though any T-20 matches taking place may result in a minor dip. At this stage the film stands at Rs. 23.53 crores with sights set on achieving a lifetime total of Rs. 30 crores – looking like it will prove to be a hit!
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources