On Saturday, it was another below average day for the Hindi movie industry, as the combined box office earnings of Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan failed to surpass the Rs. 20 crore mark. The filmmakers had anticipated a gradual rise in earnings on the day after the partial holiday of Rakshabandhan, however, neither of the two movies managed to cross the 10 crore milestone.
Despite being lower than the opening day figures, Laal Singh Chaddha was able to register some level of growth on Saturday, as Rs. 9 crores came in. This Aamir Khan–starrer has not been performing as expected, and a double digit score would have been a much–needed morale booster. Unfortunately, that did not happen, and the movie’s overall collection so far stands at Rs. 27.96 crores.
Raksha Bandhan has relatively lower costs of production, so the comparative gap between it and Laal Singh Chaddha is not hugely detrimental. Nevertheless, the absolute box office collection number needs to rise significantly more than what it currently is, rather than pondering about the expanse that needs to be traversed in order to appear comparatively better than the competing movie. As opposed to Friday, there was no rise in the earnings of the film, amassing Rs. 6.51 crores. Saturday was supposed to have catapulted the movie to a minimum of Rs. 10 crores, but the situation has become difficult to accomplish on Sunday. Now, the Akshay Kumar movie’s total earnings stand at Rs. 21.11 crores, and it will be interesting to observe how much further it will venture forward after this extended five–day weekend.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources