This was expected to happen in the first week itself. However, it has taken Dabangg 3 three weekends to achieve this feat. The film has finally managed to touch the Rs. 150 crores mark at the box office. After making some sort of an impression in the first week [Rs. 126.55 crores], the Salman Khan starrer slowed down considerably in the second week and third weekend; but fortunately made its way towards the Rs. 150 crores mark because people were looking forward to seeing a new movie called Good News coming out and they wanted something fresh and different – which is exactly what they got!
At best about one or two crore rupees more are expected to come in for the Prabhu Dheva directed film over the next couple weeks. While Dabangg 3 has suffered from protests since day one, what really led to its downfall was poor quality; had these protests never happened, it might have earned up to Rs 170 crores at max and surpassed Shah Rukh Khan’s Race 3 Lifetime of Rs 169 crores.
Now the only solace is that it would manage to have a lifetime better than Saaho (somewhere around Rs. 150 crores) which was quite badly panned itself – but even so, the Prabhas starrer had still managed to do a bit better in terms of trending and after a while garnered some nods of approval. For Dabangg 3, this will most likely be seen as an unremarkable event and one can already tell people are preparing for future sets of big Salman Khan films which will certainly outrank this latest release.