Just yesterday, the makers of the Ranveer Singh starrer Cirkus released the first look of the film along with an announcement of its upcoming release date. The Rohit Shetty production is set to debut on December 23rd- just in time for the holidays! Though it was only announced that this would be a Christmas movie, our team at Bollywood Hungama realizes there will also be two other different blockbusters competing for viewership this holiday season; Ganapath – Part 1 and Merry Christmas.
A well-placed industry source told us, The release of the film Cirkus on December 23rd means that there are three films coming out at this time. Both Ganpati – Part 1 and Merry Christmas are huge productions, one starring Tiger Shroff and the other featuring Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi. With them coming out so close together, audiences can pick from either genre – comedy or thriller.
Ask the source about how three big-ticket releases hitting screens on the same day will affect business and he adds, There will definitely be competition among these films for people’s attention. With Christmas around the corner–at least two months away–it’ll be tricky to see where people spend their money.
Even though 3 movies were released at the same time, it is made even more of a crucial event because 1 week prior to Avatar: The Way of Water was set to premiere in theaters worldwide, Salman Khan’s Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali was set to hit screens just before the end of December. In addition to this, only days ago when the film’s trailer debuted reactions from viewers went wild. This means these first few weeks will be very big for them especially considering how much money they are likely going to make with Avatar. While there isn’t anything bad about the other two releases (Cirkus and Merry Christmas), those won’t really have enough popularity or money until Ganpat comes out since it is almost guaranteed that their release dates will be shifted forward – meaning no competition from any other movies around then!
As of now, all three releases are holding steady with their release plans, and both sides have made no indication of giving up. A battle for bragging rights for the best box office might ensue when they’re released later this year, though we won’t know who really came out on top until promotions start kicking off.
Also Read: Ranveer Singh and Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus to release on December 23, 2022; first look poster confirms double role