The much awaited Deepika Padukone starrer, Chhapaak, finally hit screens. This latest Bollywood release is directed by Meghna Gulzar, who also wrote the screenplay for it. And after much promotion, it has been receiving good reviews from critics since its release and now has garnered worldwide attention. The film was released across 460 screens in overseas markets on Wednesday – or what would turn out to be day six of its theatrical run – and earned an estimated $2 million dollars over the course of opening night screenings alone!
Australia box office
12,317 USD [Rs. 8.73 lacs] from 30 screens
New Zealand box office
2,456 USD [Rs.1.74 lacs] from 8 screens
U.K box office
14,804 USD [Rs. 10.50 lacs] from 43 screens
U.S.A box office
16,199 USD [Rs. 11.49 lacs] from 80 screens
Canada box office
6,381 USD [Rs. 4.52 lacs] from 14 screens