Today the much anticipated and buzzy Varun Dhawan – Kriti Sanon pair takes over cinema halls with Bhediya, directed by Amar Kaushik. Produced by Dinesh Vijan, this is said to be his third time around in his horror-comedy universe; but will audiences take a chance at venturing into theaters? According to latest data points, despite positive reviews all around for its release so far, Bhediya has just barely managed to grab an opening weekend box office run of ₹2 crore according to figures from Boxofficeindia.
In spite of the fairly low advance ticket sales, Bhediya seems to be packing them in; with nearly 20% occupancy rates during the morning and early afternoon shows. And all this thanks to some great reviews and what looks like a promising trend for future days ahead – because we’re already seeing an increase even as we speak! In fact, if things keep up at this rate it won’t take long until there’s no room left for more people at all, according to predictions from analysts who say that business will only grow stronger throughout the weekend.
As of now, Bhediya seems to have captured the audiences’ interest and is expected to see an increase in bookings and footfalls over evening and night shows. If that wasn’t enough, with positive word-of-mouth from the audience trade expectations are that this film will follow a similar path as Kantara went down just earlier this year – which saw a box office return of around Rs. 5 crore plus on Day 1 alone. All in all, as it stands, we can expect about Rs. 20 crore come in for the first 3 days for Varun Dhawan’s latest project.