Akhshay Kumar and Kriti Sanon starrer, Bachchan Pandey’s opening weekend suffered as it recorded an unsatisfactory trend on its third day at the box office. Collecting Rs. 13 to 14 crore for the 3-day period (approximately Rs. 39 crores), this movie saw a slight increase from Saturday but only by 1%. Because of The Kashmir Files’ release during this period, this flick lost around 20% viewership, making things worse for itself. Regional areas proved to be more successful than national audiences who weren’t impressed at all despite being anxious and ready with cash in hand when they came out of theaters on Friday night.
The release of the movie has turned out to be a disappointment as much of the film’s showing time has been claimed by RRR this week. The film needed 65 crore shares worldwide to break even, but it seems only 35 or 40 crore will do that trick. It was well-received by some while others pointed out problems with it; still, people seem less interested than they could’ve been because The Kashmir Files are just too good and so are other films being released.
Regardless, Bachchhan Paandey opened at Rs 13.25 crores before dropping down to 12 crores on Saturday and then reached yet anotherRs13crore+ on Sunday. If we’re talking about how it would turn out if there weren’t any other movies competing for viewers’ attention – where it’ll never reach anything close to what it could’ve done if there weren’t any other movies competing – we can say that its business would’ve performed around 20% better had all the competition disappeared from sight.