Laal Singh Chaddha, a film helmed by Advait Chandan and starring Aamir Khan, had its theatrical release on Thursday. On the opening day, its overseas collections were slightly below Thugs of Hindostan’s opening day, though it had more screens. However, it witnessed an increase of 68.23% and 140.36% on its second and third day of release respectively in Australia and New Zealand, respectively. It sustained its upward trajectory over the following days as well.
On the holy day of Raksha Bandhan, August 11, the much–awaited Akshay Kumar starrer Raksha Bandhan hit the theatres, with an ensemble cast including Bhumi Pednekar and was helmed by the popular Aanand L Rai. Unfortunately, at the box office, the film encountered a formidable opponent in the form of Laal Singh Chaddha featuring the eminent Aamir Khan.
Laal Singh Chaddha box office
Australia box office
Day 1 – 75,455 USD [Rs. 60.07 lacs] from 120 screens
Day 2 – 126,936 USD [Rs. 1.01 cr.] from 124 screens [+68.23%]
Day 3 – 179,325 USD [Rs. 1.42 crores] from 119 screens [+41.27%]
New Zealand box office
Day 1 – 9,006 USD [Rs. 7.17 lacs] from 37 screens
Day 2 – 21,647 USD [Rs. 17.23 lacs] from 42 screens [+140.36%]
Day 3 – 33,911 USD [Rs. 27 lacs] from 44 screens [+56.65%]
Raksha Bandhan box office
Australia box office
Day 1 – 7,373 USD [Rs. 5.87 lacs] from 43 screens
Day 2 – 14,077 USD [Rs. 11.20 lacs] from 47 screens [+81.10%]
Day 3 – 18,606 USD [Rs. 14.81 lacs] from 51 screens [+32.17%]
New Zealand box office
Day 1 – 3,284 USD [Rs. 2.61 lacs] from 22 screens
Day 2 – 8,164 USD [Rs. 6.50 lacs] from 29 screens [+148.60%]
Day 3 – 11,748 USD [Rs. 9.35 lacs] from 27 screens [+43.90%]