After the success of Sooryavanshi, 83 turns out to be the second Bollywood film in a span of two months to have performed well at the box office. With its opening day earnings coming close to Rs. 12.64 crores – it was expected that this big blockbuster would open higher and go up from there but instead 83 looks like it will rely on word-of-mouth advertising for its promotion rather than early showings because people are pleasantly surprised by how much they’re liking it already!
A sports-based drama, 83 has seen heavy promotion and marketing around it which allowed very good awareness prior to its release. Moreover, the release is quite wide spread too which allows multiple options during the day as well for the audiences to catch it, even after considering the night curfews and other restrictions on some parts of the country. What will really determine how far this goes though -is whether or not an audience comes close enough to reaching 20 crore over these next few days.
In today’s world where most people just want to watch something new and then move onto another thing -anything worth watching might just end up getting lost in all of this noise unless there was an immense amount of publicity beforehand; hence my own opinion is that once you’ve gone through your first week, what happens from there on out doesn’t really matter because nobody really cares anymore anyways…
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources