College Reopening Live Updates: What are the latest updates on colleges in India? Students are eager to know when they can resume classes. With so much confusion, people want to know what will happen with schools that are currently shut down across India. Colleges will resume once the lockdown is lifted.
COVID-19 cases are on the rise again, so there are restrictions on colleges and universities in various states. To find out what school closures COVID-19 caused in your state scroll down to see the state wise closure list.
College Reopen in India 2022
University Education is a universal right of every human being. It helps one explore and innovate on the world but it often comes at a high cost. In this article, we will examine how some Indian Universities are opening up to meet the needs of affordable education and what effects these changes will have on their country.
As many people are afflicted with severe cases, this has lead to an increased number of closed schools due to pandemic conditions which need to be monitored regularly for effective control. As most colleges are affiliated with a university, they cannot function outside of university regulations. The answer is solely based on current information provided by the University Grants Commission – UGC.
Colleges tend to start classes in February or March, but this isn’t always the case. More information can be found on your particular school’s website if you’re interested in finding out whether it actually opens at that time of year.
College reopening dates 2022
Article Name | When will College reopen in India? |
Article Category | Trending News |
College Re Opening Dates | Available now |
Corona 3rd Wave in india Date | Jan-Feb 2022 |
Official Website | |
A variety of different colleges and universities have various exam schedules across the country. Some schools start exams early while other schools wait longer before beginning theirs.
College Closed News Live: Check Latest Updates on State-wise Colleges Closure Amid Covid Scare
Colleges closed in India
States such as Delhi, Maharashtra, Haryana Odisha, Punjab and West Bengal have closed colleges due to the large number of cases of omicron in India. They fear that more people will be hurt if youth continue going to college or university.
Educational institutes in different areas of India are shutting down because of the COVID 19 outbreak. Different States and Union Territories have already decided to shut down their College institutes, so they will reopen at a later date. Most Colleges across the country have rescheduled exams for students but many others can continue teaching online without any setbacks or complications.
List of States That Have Closed Colleges
Here is a list of states and union territories which have declared the College closure:
Delhi University: According to the latest announcements from the University of Delhi, all campuses are closing for two days due to cases of COVID. As per newly updated guidelines, schools and universities in Delhi will remain closed pending future orders from the DDMA. These were released today.
UP colleges : In light of the alarming rate at which Covid cases have increased within Uttar Pradesh, the Uttar Pradesh Government has ordered all colleges closed until January 30th, 2022. This was done in an attempt to prevent any more outbreaks or spread of this virus and keep both students and teachers safe.
Punjab colleges, universities : In light of increasing cases of COVID-19, colleges are scheduled to stay closed until January 15th, 2022. However, online teaching will continue.
Chandigarh colleges: In the recent decision made by Chandigarh, they have stated that all educational institutions are required to switch over to an online-mode of education.
Haryana Colleges, universities : All universities and colleges in Haryana are remaining closed until January 26, 2022 due to the increased cases of Covid-19 Pandemic.
Himachal Pradesh colleges closed : Himachal Pradesh has closed all schools, colleges and universities except for a few exceptions due to COVID-19.
J&K colleges : The Jammu and Kashmir government has ordered that all colleges, schools and coaching centers will remain closed. All facilities, such as colleges, schools, polytechnics, industrial training institutes (ITIs), or coaching centers for civil services/engineering/NEET exams are operating via the internet.
Rajasthan Colleges : Universities in Rajasthan and Shekhawati universities are open
College Reopening Date 2022 Latest Today News
All of the students who come from out of state want to know when they open up again. We have listed it here for you as soon as we find out. If you’re interested in what else is going on at your College, feel free to check out our other posts on Kab Khulenge started hongi and other educational information online that will answer any questions you might have about the Universities in India.

Pune : colleges in Maharashtra’s Pune district will reopen from February 1.
TamilNadu : Colleges and universities in Tamil Nadu will reopen from February 1.
Bengaluru: colleges in Bengaluru will be reopened from January 31.
Mumbai University: The Maharashtra government has allowed the reopening of colleges from February 1 for vaccinated students.
Jamia Millia Islamia: While the Delhi government has allowed the reopening of schools and colleges in the state, Jamia Millia Islamia is yet to begin offline classes.
Ambedkar University: The university is yet to reopen physical classes and will abide by the guidelines, officials have said. “We will comply with the guidelines of the government.
GGSIPU: GGSIPU is geared up to reopen the campus.
Delhi University: DU colleges to reopen on February 17, DU is likely to begin on-campus classes soon.
Calcutta University: The West Bengal government had allowed colleges and universities to reopen for physical classes from February 3.
Jadavpur University: Jadavpur University hostel is being reopened in a phased manner from February 7 onwards.
SPPU: Savitiribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) is awaiting clear guidelines from the government to reopen colleges.
JNU: The Jawaharlal Nehru University has begun on-campus classes from February 7. A set of guidelines was released by the varsity on February 5.
Banaras Hindu University: After the UP government has allowed the reopening of schools and colleges, the BHU is reopening with 100 per cent staff capacity.
Latest News College Reopen Date 2022 State Wise
UGC has announced that the college education will be opening next year in 2022. After extensive research and discussion, this date was settled upon by the Department for future considerations. College Department hasn’t yet released any other information about its plans but it is expected to do so soon. For now, we recommend checking with your local institution to see if they are currently on a break or if they will be starting back up again when classes resume next semester.
List of States That Announced Reopening of Colleges This Month
Andhra Pradesh | Arunachal Pradesh |
Assam | Bihar |
Chhattisgarh | Goa |
Gujarat | Haryana |
Himachal pradesh | Jharkhand |
Karnataka | Kerala |
Madhya Pradesh | Maharashtra |
Manipur | Meghalaya |
Mizoram | Nagaland |
Odisha | Punjab |
Rajasthan | Sikkim |
Tamil Nadu | Telangana |
Tripura | Uttar Pradesh |
Uttarakhand | West Bengal |
Andaman Nicobar | Chandigarh |
Dadra Nagar Haveli & Daman Diu | Delhi |
Jammu kashmir | Ladakh |
Lakshadweep | Puducherry |
Is College reopening safe right now?
There is no way of knowing for sure if all Colleges will reopen safely. But from what I can tell from recent reports, most colleges seem to be up and running as usual.
If you are attending a school that is not currently in session, then you should be fine. You do not need to worry about any potential dangers. If you are attending a school that is currently in session, then please consult with your campus safety officers to make sure that there have been no changes or updates since the last time they gave an update.
Summing Up!
College reopening date is an imminent yet hot topic in India. It is always difficult for students when their college reopen, because in this time they need to start considering the future. But it’s equally important that students focus on their studies and not just colleges; so what would be the best option for them? If your college does happen to close down or does not open up one year – then what would you do?
Many students are eagerly awaiting the day of college reopening. For those of you who want to know when your college will reopen – this article has all the information you need!
FAQ’S About When Will be College Reopen
Is there any chance of reopening of Delhi University colleges?
Yes, it seems like Delhi University might reopen soon. There’s been talk of it in recent reports. People are saying that the government is trying to work out a plan for how they can continue running these colleges – either by making them private or handing them over to someone else.
When will Colleges reopen in India?
There is no definite answer to this question because it varies depending on the state. Most colleges in India typically reopen by the end of the month, but some states are open before then.
When will Colleges reopen in UP?
The answer to this question is hard to determine because there are many factors involved, including Covid19 cases and the state of emergency in Uttar Pradesh. But we can assume that colleges will reopen soon as there seems to be no end in sight for either situation.
When will colleges in rajasthan reopen?
All students are eagerly waiting for when colleges in Rajasthan will reopen. Most of them are expected to open back up by the end of this week.
Are Colleges reopening in Chennai?
based on the latest news and reports, it seems that most colleges are still closed. At this point there is no indication of when they might reopen or how many will do so.