Cyber attackers are looking for possible ways to exploit your security flaws. And without proactive measures, organizations risk severe breaches. While significant investments in cybersecurity are important measures, your defences may still be vulnerable to certain unknown weaknesses. That’s where Penetration testing comes in.
Penetration testing, also known as pen testing, helps organizations identify security vulnerabilities that could lead to a breach by simulating various cyberattacks before hackers exploit them.
However, like most people, you may be wondering if penetration testing alone is sufficient to detect all vulnerabilities in your systems.
In this article, we will explore effective tips you need to get the most out of your penetration testing and the top cybersecurity companies.
Tips to get the most out of your penetration testing and Top cybersecurity companies
1. Work with the best pen testing companies
There is a long list of penetration testing companies available. But you would agree with me that not all penetration companies are alike. And, to maximize the effectiveness of your penetration testing, you must hire the best cybersecurity experts for the job.
When choosing penetration testing companies, look out for one who is qualified, experienced with real-world expertise, and holds industry-leading qualifications.
Ideally, you’ll want a pen-testing or cybersecurity company that is qualified and maintains industry standards. Certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) are useful indications of ethical hacking expertise.
2. Have a clear goal
Before beginning a penetration testing journey, it is critical to establish clear objectives. Clearly define what needs to be tested, whether it’s a web application, network infrastructure, or specialized software.
What do you intend to achieve with the penetration testing? Are you seeking an in-depth assessment of your system’s security posture, or do you have specific concerns that need to be addressed? Do you do penetration tests as part of a bigger security or compliance project, such as implementing a new security program?
A well-defined scope ensures that the testing process is focused and consistent with the organization’s security objectives.
3. Conduct a red Team exercise
To get the most out of your penetration testing, you must conduct red team exercises first. Engaging the service of top red team providers imitates real-world threats. This can help you gain more insights into your blue team’s readiness and response to attacks. Correcting the flaws found in red team exercises can help you prepare for the pen test and ensure you get the best out of it.
4. Identify high-risk assets and business workforce
Instead of conducting penetration testing to seek vulnerabilities throughout the system, organizations can save time and money by first doing a risk assessment. A system-wide risk assessment enables businesses to identify essential and high-value areas that may require more attention, such as critical applications, business processes, and high-value data.
It is more important to understand which high-risk assets exist in the company and how they fit into the larger business logic than it is to follow a traditional security assessment checklist. Having a more comprehensive understanding of your organization’s vulnerabilities is beneficial when identifying high-risk assets and network segments to be subject to pen testing.
5. Conduct testing on a regular schedule
Cyber threats evolve quickly, and companies must keep up with them. Hence, regular penetration testing cycles rather than one-time testing would help to keep ahead of developing threats. Penetration tests should be carried out regularly, usually once or twice a year, to ensure that new vulnerabilities are found and addressed as soon as possible.
An annual comprehensive assessment of your system will allow you to evaluate the results from the previous year, allowing you to track your organization’s cybersecurity progress year after year and fine-tune your security program accordingly.
6. Collaboration between cybersecurity companies and your IT teams
Collaboration between your organization’s IT department and cybersecurity team helps enhance penetration testing. Integrating IT specialists within the testing process ensures that the testing is operationally relevant and enhances understanding of the system’s architecture.
Combining significant investments in cybersecurity with frequent penetration testing creates a robust barrier against the rising threat of cyberattacks. Organizations may confidently navigate the digital landscape by implementing both proactive measures and industry-leading cybersecurity solutions.
Are you looking for the best pen testing companies? Redbot Security can help.
Redbot Security is one of the top penetration testing companies that offers cybersecurity defenses, social engineering, and penetration testing. Redbot Security is also a top red team provider, focusing on personalized and thorough assessments.