Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior had a very good Monday as it held up really well to collect Rs. 13.75 crores more at the box office. Considering the fact that Friday was Rs. 15.10 crores, which means that not many people went out for Lohri considering how only some regions were celebrating (considering this was partially a national holiday.
In reality, given the popularity that the film is enjoying, it would be safe to assume that even without a partial holiday a double digit score would have still come calling. That would’ve been quite a feat for Ajay Devgn’s latest blockbuster – being an action-driven drama of course; considering how wildly popular he had become after his last flick.
And as if this wasn’t enough reason for people from all backgrounds and walks of life to look forward to Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior, we find out now (to our utter surprise) that the movie has managed to break all box office records with its current collection sitting at Rs. 75.68 crores! If only this could continue over the next few days then there are very good chances of him being able to enter the coveted Rs 100 crore club in just one week!