Ranbir Kapoor, Vaani Kapoor, and Sanjay Dutt – the three highly anticipated actors, who have never been cast together before, united for the production house YRF’s iconic fictional drama, Shamshera. The story is about a warrior tribe suffering from tyranny but is revolutionized when a rebel from the tribe manages to escape. Directed by Karan Malhotra, the film was surrounded with buzz and expectation; yet, it received lower than anticipated ratings at the box office. It was apparent that this great shock was shared amongst the production house. The director, Karan Malhotra, took to Instagram to post a heartwarming message in which he apologized for his distance since the film’s release and admitted his discomfort towards the harsh criticism the film was receiving.
Karan Malhotra felt it necessary to make a public statement on Twitter, concerning his latest movie Shamshera. In this heartfelt note, he said “My beloved Shamshera, your majesty is unrivalled. Here, on this platform, all forms of love, hatred, and glory are existent, so it is important for me to communicate my thoughts. Unforgivably, I neglected you during the last few days due to my inability to deal with the backlash. My sincerest apologies“.
He articulated further, “I cannot deny that I succumbed to my weaknesses but here I stand, feeling privileged and grateful to be here with you, prepared to go through every situation together, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant. My deepest gratitude goes out to the Shamshera family, the cast, and the crew. The endless amount of love, kindness, and support that we have received is irreplaceable and nothing can take away from it. #Shamsheraismine #Shamshera.” Subsequently, he went on to caption this post once again, stating, “Shamshera is mine.”
Shamshera, produced by Yash Raj Films, released on July 22.