Python 3 Script to Convert & Play Local MP4 Video as HLS Live Video Streaming in Browser
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Convert a video into a set of files to play it using HLS. The video will be converted to different resolutions, using differentbitrates. A master playlist will be generated to be processed by anHLS client. A progressive MP4 version is also produced (to be used asa fallback), as well as a poster image. There are many options, but not all of them are safe to change. Forexample, HLS is usually expecting AAC-LC as a codec for audio. Thiscan be changed, but this may not work in all browsers. One important option is ``--hls-type``. Choosing ``fmp4`` is moreefficient but is only compatible with iOS 10+. Most video options take several parameters (space-separated). When alloptions do not have the same length, the length of ``--video-widths`` isused to normalize all lengths. Last value is repeated if needed. The ``--video-overlay`` enables to overlay a text with technicalinformation about the video on each video. The value is a pattern like``{resolution}p``. The allowed variables in pattern are the ones specifiedas a video option. Same applies for ``--mp4-overlay``. The audio options are global as audio need to be switched seamlesslybetween segments and it is not possible when using different bitratesor options. The ``--audio-only`` option is like adding a video widthof 0 at the end of the video width list. The ``--audio-separate`` willencode the audio track separately from the video (less bandwidth). The default output directory is the basename of the input video. """ import argparseimport globimport jsonimport loggingimport logging.handlersimport mathimport operatorimport osimport reimport shleximport shutilimport subprocessimport sys logger = logging.getLogger("video2hls") class CustomFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter): pass def parse_args(): """Parse arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=sys.modules[__name__].__doc__, formatter_class=CustomFormatter) g = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument("--debug", "-d", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable debugging") g.add_argument("--silent", "-s", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't log to console") g = parser.add_argument_group("hls options") g.add_argument("--hls-type", metavar="TYPE", default="mpegts", choices=("mpegts", "fmp4"), help="HLS segment type") g.add_argument("--hls-time", metavar="DURATION", default=6, type=int, help="HLS segment duration (in seconds)") g.add_argument("--hls-segments", metavar="FILENAMES", default="{resolution}p_{index}", help="pattern to use for HLS segment files") g.add_argument("--hls-segment-prefix", metavar="PREFIX", default="", type=str, help="prefix to use for segments in media playlists") g.add_argument("--hls-playlist-prefix", metavar="PREFIX", default=[], type=str, nargs="+", help="prefix to use for playlists in master playlist") g.add_argument('--hls-master-playlist', metavar='NAME', default="", type=str, help='master playlist name') g.add_argument('--hls-no-codecs', action="store_false", default=True, dest="hls_add_codecs", help="do not compute codecs for master playlist") g = parser.add_argument_group("video options") g.add_argument("--video-widths", metavar="WIDTH", default=[3840, 2560, 1920, 1280, 854, 640, 428], nargs="+", type=int, help="video resolutions (width in pixels)") g.add_argument("--video-bitrates", metavar="RATE", default=[14000, 6500, 4500, 2500, 1300, 800, 400], nargs="+", type=int, help="video bitrates (in kbits/s)") g.add_argument("--video-codecs", metavar="CODEC", default=["h264"], nargs="+", type=str, help="video codecs") g.add_argument("--video-profiles", metavar="PROFILE", default=["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"], nargs="+", type=str, help="video profile (name@level)") g.add_argument("--video-names", metavar="NAME", default=[], nargs="+", type=str, help="video name (used in playlists)") g.add_argument("--video-overlay", metavar="TEXT", type=str, help="add an overlay with technical info about the video") g.add_argument("--video-bitrate-factor", type=float, default=1.0, help="factor to apply to provided bitrates") g.add_argument("--video-presets", metavar="PRESET", default=[], nargs="+", type=str, help="video presets") g = parser.add_argument_group("audio options") g.add_argument("--no-audio", action="store_false", default=True, dest="audio", help="remove audio track") g.add_argument("--audio-sampling", metavar="RATE", type=int, help="audio sampling rate") g.add_argument("--audio-bitrate", metavar="RATE", default=96, type=int, help="audio bitrate (in kbits)") g.add_argument("--audio-codec", metavar="CODEC", default="aac", help="audio codec") g.add_argument("--audio-profile", metavar="PROFILE", default="aac_low", help="audio profile") g.add_argument("--audio-only", action="store_true", default=False, help="also generate an audio-only variant") g.add_argument("--audio-separate", action="store_true", default=False, help="keep audio track in separate media playlist") g = parser.add_argument_group("progressive MP4 options") g.add_argument("--no-mp4", action="store_false", default=True, dest="mp4", help="disable progressive MP4 version") g.add_argument("--mp4-width", metavar="WIDTH", type=int, help="progressive MP4 width (in pixels)") g.add_argument("--mp4-max-width", metavar="WIDTH", type=int, default=1280, help="progressive MP4 maximum width (in pixels)") g.add_argument("--mp4-bitrate-factor", metavar="RATE", type=float, default=0.8, help="progressive MP4 bitrate factor") g.add_argument("--mp4-bitrate", metavar="RATE", type=int, help="progressive MP4 bitrate (in kbits/s)") g.add_argument("--mp4-codec", metavar="CODEC", type=str, default="h264", help="progressive MP4 codec") g.add_argument("--mp4-profile", metavar="PROFILE", type=str, default="[email protected]", help="progressive MP4 profile (name@level)") g.add_argument("--mp4-overlay", metavar="TEXT", type=str, help="add an overlay with technical info about the video") g.add_argument("--mp4-filename", metavar="NAME", type=str, default="progressive.mp4", help="filename for progressive MP4") g.add_argument("--mp4-preset", metavar="PRESET", type=str, help="progressive MP4 preset") g = parser.add_argument_group("poster option") g.add_argument("--no-poster",
action="store_false", default=True, dest="poster", help="disable poster image") g.add_argument("--poster-quality", metavar="Q", default=10, type=int, help="poster quality (from 0 to 100)") g.add_argument("--poster-grayscale", default=False, action="store_true", help="convert poster to grayscale") g.add_argument("--poster-filename", metavar="FILE", default="poster.jpg", type=str, help="poster filename") g.add_argument("--poster-seek", metavar="POS", default="5%", help="seek to the given position (5%% or 15s)") g.add_argument("--poster-width", metavar="WIDTH", type=int, help="poster width (in pixels)") g.add_argument("--poster-max-width", metavar="WIDTH", default=1280, type=int, help="poster maximum width (in pixels)") g = parser.add_argument_group("program options") g.add_argument("--ffmpeg", metavar="EXE", default="ffmpeg", help="ffmpeg executable name") g.add_argument("--ffprobe", metavar="EXE", default="ffprobe", help="ffprobe executable name") g.add_argument("--mp4file", metavar="EXE", default="mp4file", help="mp4file executable name") parser.add_argument("--ratio", metavar="RATIO", default="16:9", help="video ratio (not enforced)") parser.add_argument("--output", metavar="DIR", help="output directory") parser.add_argument("--output-overwrite", action="store_true", default=False, help="overwrite output directory if it exists") parser.add_argument("input", metavar="VIDEO", help="video to be converted") options = parser.parse_args() # Handle output directory if options.output is None: options.output = os.path.splitext(options.input)[0] if options.output == options.input: options.output += "_output" options.output = os.path.abspath(options.output) return options class ColorizingStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """Provide a nicer logging output to error output with colors.""" color_map = dict([(x, i) for i, x in enumerate('black red green yellow blue ' 'magenta cyan white'.split(" "))]) level_map = { logging.DEBUG: (None, 'blue', " DBG"), logging.INFO: (None, 'green', "INFO"), logging.WARNING: (None, 'yellow', "WARN"), logging.ERROR: (None, 'red', " ERR"), logging.CRITICAL: ('red', 'white', "CRIT") } csi = '\x1b[' reset = '\x1b[0m' @property def is_tty(self): isatty = getattr(, 'isatty', None) return isatty and isatty() def format(self, record): message = logging.StreamHandler.format(self, record) params = [] levelno = record.levelno if levelno not in self.level_map: levelno = logging.WARNING bg, fg, level = self.level_map[levelno] if bg in self.color_map: params.append(str(self.color_map[bg] + 40)) if fg in self.color_map: params.append(str(self.color_map[fg] + 30)) params.append("1m") level = "[{}]".format(level) return "\n".join(["{}: {}".format( self.is_tty and params and ''.join((self.csi, ';'.join(params), level, self.reset)) or level, line) for line in message.split('\n')]) def setup_logging(options): """Configure logging.""" root = logging.getLogger("") root.setLevel(logging.WARNING) logger.setLevel(options.debug and logging.DEBUG or logging.INFO) if not options.silent: root.addHandler(ColorizingStreamHandler()) def run(options, what, *args): """Execute either ffmpeg or ffprobe with the provided arguments. Comments are filtered out, except when displaying to user. """ if what in {"ffprobe", "ffmpeg", "mp4file"}: what = getattr(options, what) # Pretty format arguments jargs = [] for arg in args: if arg.startswith('# '): jargs.append(f'`{arg}`') else: if not jargs or jargs[-1].startswith('`'): jargs.append(f' {shlex.quote(arg)}') else: jargs[-1] += f' {shlex.quote(arg)}' if jargs and jargs[0].startswith('`'): jargs.insert(0, '') jargs = " \\\n ".join(jargs) logger.debug(f"execute {what} {jargs}") proc = subprocess.Popen([what] + [arg for arg in args if not arg.startswith('# ')], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(None) stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8', 'replace') stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8', 'replace') if proc.returncode != 0: logger.error("{} error:\n{}\n{}\n{}".format( what, f" A: {jargs}", "\n".join([" O: {}".format(line) for line in stdout.rstrip().split("\n")]), "\n".join([" E: {}".format(line) for line in stderr.rstrip().split("\n")]))) raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to execute {what}") return stdout def probe(options): """Probe input file to extract technical information. We only keep the first video stream and the first audio stream. This may not be the "best" streams ffmpeg would select. """"probe {options.input}") out = run(options, 'ffprobe', "# don't display any status message", '-v', 'quiet', "# JSON output", '-print_format', 'json', "# get stream information", '-show_entries', 'format=duration:streams', "# input video", options.input) info = json.loads(out) streams = info['streams'] # Only keep first audio and first video result = { 'video': ([x for x in streams if x['codec_type'] == 'video'] or [None])[0], 'audio': ([x for x in streams if x['codec_type'] == 'audio'] or [None])[0] } if 'duration' not in result['video']: result['video']['duration'] = info['format']['duration'] return result def extract_codecs(options, sample): """Extract codecs information from the given MP4 sample. This makes use of mp4file since extracting this information is quite complex. This is not complete as all codecs are a bit different. See RFC 6381, section 3.3 and this SO question: """ result = run(options, 'mp4file', '--dump', sample) result = result.split('\n') # The codecs are the ones in /moov/trak/mdia/minf/stbl/stdsd codec_re = re.compile(r'.*: type (?P<codec>\S+) ' r'\(moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.(?P=codec)\)') attribute_re = re.compile(r'.*: (?P<attribute>\S+) = (?P<value>\d+) .*') info_re = re.compile(r'.*: info = <\d+ bytes>\s+(?P<byte>\d{2}) .*') codecs = {'codec') for mo in [codec_re.match(line) for line in result] if mo} results = [] for codec in codecs: if codec == "avc1": # Look for moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC for idx, line in enumerate(result): if "(moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC)" in line: spaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' ')) spaces = ' ' * (spaces+1) profile = None constraints = None level = None for line in result[idx+1:]:
if not line.startswith(spaces): break mo = attribute_re.match(line) if not mo: continue if'attribute') == 'AVCProfileIndication': profile = int('value')) elif'attribute') == 'profile_compatibility': constraints = int('value')) elif'attribute') == 'AVCLevelIndication': level = int('value')) if all(x is not None for x in (profile, constraints, level)): codec = (f'avc1.{profile:02x}' f'{constraints:02x}{level:02x}') logger.debug(f'found codec {codec} in {sample}') results.append(codec) else: raise RuntimeError('unable to decode AVC1 codec') elif codec == "mp4a": # Look for moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.esds for idx, line in enumerate(result): if "(moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.esds)" in line: spaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' ')) spaces = ' ' * (spaces+1) oti = None osti = None for line in result[idx+1:]: if not line.startswith(spaces): break mo = attribute_re.match(line) if mo and'attribute') == 'objectTypeId': oti = int('value')) elif 'decSpecificInfo' in line: osti = ... # Parse the next line elif osti is ...: mo = info_re.match(line) if not mo: raise RuntimeError('cannot decode ' 'specific info') osti = (int('byte'), 16) & 0xf8) >> 3 if all(x is not None for x in (oti, osti)): codec = f'mp4a.{oti:02x}.{osti}' logger.debug(f'found codec {codec} in {sample}') results.append(codec) else: raise RuntimeError('unable to decode MP4A codec') return ",".join(results) def contained_in(original, target): """Return dimension to ensure original video fits inside target.""" ratio = original[0]/original[1] width, height = target if width/ratio > height: width = int(height*ratio) else: height = int(width/ratio) return (width//2*2, height//2*2) def fix_options(options, technical): """Fix options to remove too great sizes.""" # If no HLS playlist prefix, use an empty one if len(options.hls_playlist_prefix) == 0: options.hls_playlist_prefix = [""] # If audio only is requested, append a width of 0 if options.audio_only or options.audio_separate: options.video_widths.append(0) # If needed, extend/truncate video options to the same length video_options = [option for option in vars(options) if option.startswith("video_") and option.endswith("s")] length = len(options.video_widths) for option in video_options: value = vars(options)[option] del value[length:] if option == "video_names": continue if option == "video_presets" and not value: continue diff = length - len(value) if diff > 0: # Copy last value value.extend([value[-1]] * diff) # Fix bitrate when width is 0 for idx in range(len(options.video_widths)): if options.video_widths[idx] == 0: options.video_bitrates[idx] = 0 # Handle ratio options.ratio = operator.truediv(*(int(x) for x in options.ratio.split(":", 1))) # Handle video names if len(options.video_names) < length: diff = length - len(options.video_names) more = [] for idx in range(len(options.video_widths)): if options.video_bitrates[idx] > 0: more.append(f"{int(options.video_widths[idx]/options.ratio)}p") else: more.append("Audio only") options.video_names.extend(more[-diff:]) # Add bitrate factor to bitrates options.video_bitrates = [int(r*options.video_bitrate_factor) for r in options.video_bitrates] if options.mp4_bitrate: options.mp4_bitrate = int(options.mp4_bitrate * options.video_bitrate_factor) # Adapt options depending on video size width = technical['video']['width'] height = technical['video']['width'] for idx in reversed(range(len(options.video_widths))): if (options.video_widths[idx] > width*1.1) and \ (options.video_widths[idx] * height / width > height*1.1): logger.warning(f'skip {options.video_widths[idx]} width') for option in video_options: try: del getattr(options, option)[idx] except IndexError: # May happen for video_presets pass if not options.poster_width: options.poster_width = max(*(w for w in options.video_widths if w <= options.poster_max_width)) if not options.mp4_width: options.mp4_width = max(*(w for w in options.video_widths if w <= options.mp4_max_width)) if not options.mp4_bitrate: options.mp4_bitrate = int( options.video_bitrates[ options.video_widths.index( options.mp4_width)] * options.mp4_bitrate_factor) def poster(options, technical): """Create poster.""" if not options.poster: logger.debug('skip poster creation') return logger.debug('create poster') # Determine position mo = re.match(r'(?:(?P<percent>\d+)%|(?P<seconds>\d+)s)', options.poster_seek) if not mo: raise RuntimeError(f'invalid value for poster seek: ' f'{options.poster_seek}') if'percent'): percent = int('percent')) seek = float(technical['video']['duration'])*percent / 100 else: seek ='seconds') seek = int(seek) logger.debug(f'seek position for poster is {seek}s') # Filter to apply vfilter = ['select=eq(pict_type\\,I)'] resolution = int(options.poster_width / options.ratio) twidth, theight = contained_in((int(technical['video']['width']), int(technical['video']['height'])), (options.poster_width, resolution)) vfilter.append(f'scale={twidth}:{theight}')"poster is {twidth}x{theight}") if options.poster_grayscale: vfilter.append('format=gray') # Quality quality = options.poster_quality * 30 // 100 quality = 30 - quality + 1 args = (f'# seek to the given position ({options.poster_seek})', '-ss', f'{seek}', '# load input file', '-i', f'{options.input}', '# only keep first video stream', '-map', f'0:{technical["video"]["index"]}', '# take only one frame', '-frames:v', '1', '# filter to select an I-frame and scale', '-vf', ",".join(vfilter), f'# request a JPEG quality ~ {options.poster_quality}', '-qscale:v', f'{quality}', '# output file', options.poster_filename) run(options, 'ffmpeg', '# only log errors', '-loglevel', 'error', '-hide_banner', *args) def transcode(options, technical): """Create transcoded files.""" logger.debug('create transcoded files') vid
eo = technical['video'] audio = technical['audio'] # Grab interesting facts about video height = int(video['height']) width = int(video['width']) fps = video['r_frame_rate'] fps = operator.truediv(*(int(x) for x in fps.split('/'))) keyf = math.ceil(fps * options.hls_time)'input video is {width}x{height} at {fps:,.2f}fps') if audio: channels = audio['channels'] sampling = audio['sample_rate']'input audio is {channels} channels at {sampling}Hz') # Input video args = ('# input video', '-i', options.input) aargs = () if audio: aargs += ( '# keep the first audio track', '-map', f'0:{audio["index"]}', '# select audio codec', '-c:a', options.audio_codec) if options.audio_sampling: aargs += ( '# set specified sampling rate', '-ar', f'{options.audio_sampling}') else: aargs += ( '# copy original sampling rate', '-ar', f'{sampling}') aargs += ( '# select audio profile', '-profile:a', options.audio_profile, '# set audio bitrate', '-b:a', f'{options.audio_bitrate}k') # Progressive MP4 if options.mp4: resolution = int(options.mp4_width/options.ratio) twidth, theight = contained_in((width, height), (options.mp4_width, resolution))"progressive MP4 is {twidth}x{theight} at " f"{options.mp4_bitrate}kbps") vfilters = [f'scale={twidth}:{theight}', 'format=yuv420p'] cfilter = 'apply filters: scale' if options.mp4_overlay: with open('_mp4.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(options.mp4_overlay.format( width=options.mp4_width, resolution=resolution, bitrate=options.mp4_bitrate, codec=options.mp4_codec, profile=options.mp4_profile)) vfilters.insert(0, 'drawtext=x=10: y=10: ' 'textfile=_mp4.txt: fontsize=48: ' '[email protected]: ' 'borderw=3: [email protected]') cfilter = 'apply filters: add overlay and scale' args += ( '# start producing a progressive MP4', '-f', 'mp4', '# keep the first video track', '-map', f'0:{video["index"]}', f'# {cfilter}', '-vf', ','.join(vfilters), '# select video codec', '-c:v', options.mp4_codec, '# select video profile and level', '-profile:v', options.mp4_profile.split("@")[0], '-level:v', options.mp4_profile.split("@")[1], '# set maximum video bitrate', '-b:v', f'{options.mp4_bitrate}k', '-maxrate:v', f'{options.mp4_bitrate}k', '-bufsize:v', f'{options.mp4_bitrate*1.5}k') if options.mp4_preset: args += ('# set the video preset', '-preset', options.mp4_preset) args += aargs args += ( '# move index at the beginning', '-movflags', '+faststart', '# output filename', options.mp4_filename) # HLS playlists = {} for idx in range(len(options.video_widths)): logger.debug(f'setup HLS for {options.video_names[idx]}') resolution = int(options.video_widths[idx] / options.ratio) voptions = dict(width=options.video_widths[idx], resolution=resolution, bitrate=options.video_bitrates[idx], codec=options.video_codecs[idx], name=options.video_names[idx], profile=options.video_profiles[idx]) twidth, theight = contained_in((width, height), (options.video_widths[idx], resolution)) vfilters = [f'scale={twidth}:{theight}', 'format=yuv420p'] cfilter = 'apply filters: scale' if options.video_overlay: with open(f'_{idx}.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(options.video_overlay.format(**voptions)) vfilters.insert(0, 'drawtext=x=10: y=10: ' f'textfile=_{idx}.txt: fontsize=48: ' '[email protected]: ' 'borderw=3: [email protected]') cfilter = 'apply filters: add overlay and scale' vargs = () if options.video_bitrates[idx] > 0: vargs += ('# keep the first video track', '-map', f'0:{video["index"]}', f'# {cfilter}', '-vf', ','.join(vfilters), '# select video codec', '-c:v', options.video_codecs[idx], '# select video profile and level', '-profile:v', options.video_profiles[idx].split("@")[0], '-level:v', options.video_profiles[idx].split("@")[1], '# set maximum video bitrate', '-b:v', f'{options.video_bitrates[idx]}k', '-maxrate:v', f'{options.video_bitrates[idx]}k', '-bufsize:v', f'{options.video_bitrates[idx]*1.5}k') if options.video_presets: vargs += ('# set the video preset', '-preset', f'{options.video_presets[idx]}') else: vargs += ('# no video',) # HLS options args += ( f'# start producing HLS segments for {resolution}p ({idx})', '-f', 'hls', *vargs, *(aargs if not options.audio_separate or options.video_bitrates[idx] == 0 else ()), '# duration of an HLS segment', '-hls_time', f'{options.hls_time}', '# this is fairly important:', f'# set I-frame at the beginning of each segment (fps={fps:,.3f})', '-g', f'{keyf}', '-keyint_min', f'{keyf}', '# set HLS playlist type', '-hls_playlist_type', 'vod', '# do not limit playlist size', '-hls_list_size', '0', '# use fMP4 (iOS > 10)' if options.hls_type == 'fmp4' else '# use MPEG2-TS (compatible with any iOS)', '-hls_segment_type', options.hls_type, '# append a base URL to each segment name', '-hls_base_url', options.hls_segment_prefix, '# set pattern for segment filenames', '-hls_segment_filename', ".".join([options.hls_segments.format( index=f'{idx}_%03d', **voptions), {'mpegts': 'ts', 'fmp4': 'mp4'}[options.hls_type]])) if options.hls_type == 'fmp4': args += ( '# filename for initial fMP4 segment', '-hls_fmp4_init_filename', ".".join([options.hls_segments.format( index=f'{idx}_init', **voptions), 'mp4'])) # Output filename playlist_name = ".".join([options.hls_segments.format( index=f'{idx}', **voptions), 'm3u8']) args += (playlist_name,) playlists[idx] = {'name': playlist_name, 'resolution': f'{twidth}x{theight}'} # Small MP4 to extract codec if options.hls_add_codecs: args += ( '# also generate a small MP4 to extract codec later', '-f', 'mp4', '# use same encoding arguments as the normal video:', *vargs, *aargs, '# but keep only one frame', '-frames:v', '1', '# put the result into a temporary file', f'_{idx}.mp4')'start transcoding') run(options, 'ffmpeg', '# only log errors', '-loglevel', 'error',
'-hide_banner', *args)'write master playlist') no_codecs = False with open(options.hls_master_playlist, "w", encoding='utf-8') as master: master.write('#EXTM3U\n') if options.audio_separate: master.write('#EXT-X-VERSION:4\n') for prefix in options.hls_playlist_prefix: master.write('#EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=AUDIO,GROUP-ID="audio",' 'DEFAULT=yes,AUTOSELECT=yes,' f'URI="{prefix}' f'{playlists[max(playlists.keys())]["name"]}"\n') else: master.write('#EXT-X-VERSION:3\n') for idx in playlists: if not options.audio_only and options.video_bitrates[idx] == 0: # We didn't ask for an audio only track but we have # one, skip it. continue codecs = None if not no_codecs and options.hls_add_codecs: try: codecs = extract_codecs(options, f'_{idx}.mp4') except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning('cannot extract codec due to ' 'mp4file missing') no_codecs = True bandwidth = options.video_bitrates[idx] if audio: bandwidth += options.audio_bitrate for prefix in options.hls_playlist_prefix: master.write( '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:' f'BANDWIDTH={bandwidth}000,') if options.video_bitrates[idx] > 0: master.write( f'RESOLUTION={playlists[idx]["resolution"]},' f'FRAME-RATE={fps:,.3f},') if codecs: master.write( f'CODECS="{codecs}",') if options.audio_separate: master.write('AUDIO="audio",') master.write( f'NAME="{options.video_names[idx]}"\n' f'{prefix}{playlists[idx]["name"]}\n') codecs = None if not no_codecs and options.hls_add_codecs and options.mp4: try: codecs = extract_codecs(options, options.mp4_filename) except FileNotFoundError: pass codecs = f'; codecs="{codecs}"' if codecs else '' poster = f' poster="{options.poster_filename}"' if options.poster else '''''video can be served with: <video{poster} controls> <source src="" type="application/">''') if options.mp4:' <source src="{options.mp4_filename}" ' f"type="video/mp4{codecs}">")' </video>') if __name__ == "__main__": options = parse_args() setup_logging(options) try: # Create output directory try: logger.debug(f"create directory {options.output}") os.makedirs(options.output) except FileExistsError: if options.output_overwrite:"delete existing {options.output}") shutil.rmtree(options.output) os.makedirs(options.output) else: raise # Change directory options.input = os.path.relpath(options.input, options.output) os.chdir(options.output) # Probe input file technical = probe(options) if technical['video'] is None: raise RuntimeError(f'no video track in {options.input}') if not technical['audio'] and options.audio_only: raise RuntimeError(f'no audio track in {options.input}, ' 'cannot do an audio only variant') if not technical['audio'] and options.audio_separate: raise RuntimeError(f'no audio track in {options.input}, ' 'cannot do a separate audio track') # Fix options to match input video fix_options(options, technical) logger.debug("current settings:") for k, v in vars(options).items(): logger.debug(f" {k} = {v}") # Generate output files poster(options, technical) transcode(options, technical) for f in glob.glob('_*'): os.remove(f) except Exception as e: logger.exception("%s", e) sys.exit(1)
./video2hls TearsOfSteel.mp4
./video2hls --mp4-overlay '{resolution}p, progressive' --video-overlay '{resolution}p, HLS' \ TearsOfSteel.mp4
./video2hls --hls-type fmp4 TearsOfSteel.mp4
./video2hls --video-bitrates 8000 4000 2000 1000 \ --video-widths 1920 1920 1280 854 \ --video-names '1080p high' '1080p low' TearsOfSteel.mp4
./video2hls --debug TearsOfSteel.mp4