The movie Jayeshbhai Jordaar, starring Ranveer Singh, which was released two weeks ago has been a disappointment. Even after beginning mildly well the first few days at the theaters it continued to draw an equally unimpressive audience in its second week of release too.
Despite receiving glowing reviews from critics, Jayeshbhai Jordaar was unsuccessful in attracting viewers. Second week earnings amounted to only Rs. 64 lakhs- drawing a total of Rs. 15.59 crores after two weeks in theaters. This poor performance can be attributed to the failure of this Hindi language film to attract audiences in the single screens dominated by mass crowds that favor popular films over arthouse fare such as this one.
As of now, Jayeshbhai Jordaar is no longer playing at theatres, with only a handful remaining to show it. Even though the film may continue to play for some time – its earnings are predicted not to improve much at all.