After a successful 3rd weekend at the box office, Akshay Kumar and his team are likely celebrating at this very moment. Their Good Newwz has finally made it into the 200 Crore Club, after accumulating Rs. 195 crores* already in its opening week alone! This success continued into the 2nd and 3rd week as well; however, this past weekend slowed down due to both Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior encroaching on new audiences and multiplexes alike as well as Akshay Kumars target audience being satisfied with him.
Nonetheless, the film manages to make about Rs. 250 Crore (US $ 37 million) and considering that a third of this total comes from just one country; India- this isn’t anything short of extraordinary or noteworthy. With no other new release in theaters this week, the film managed to maintain its screens which has allowed it to increase earnings so far by an additional Rs. 10 crores ($ 1.6 million).
Once the next week starts and this number reaches Rs 150 crores ($ 24 million) then we can consider it a blockbuster movie since those types are recognized based on their having made more than US $ 40 million (Rs 250 crore). Of course, everyone knows that there won’t be any problem with how much money it makes digitally either but what will really interest people is whether or not families who don’t know much about these things will accept watching it on TV when they find out what kind of story line there is…
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited