Full type of MVS: Numerous Virtual Stockpiling Gadgets – The super working framework for IBM centralized servers since its presentation in 1974 (the others being VM, DOS/VSE, and TPF). MVS is a working framework zeroed in on clump handling that controls a sizable measure of memory and circle space. With the assistance of CICS, TSO, and other framework programming, online tasks are given.
What is the Full form of MVS ?
MVS | Miami Valley Sportsmen | Sports |
MVS | Multi Video System | Computing |
MVS | Mission Vision And Strategy | Military |
MVS | Microsoft Visual Studio | Computer Software |
MVS | Mucuri | Airport Code |
MVS | Multiple Virtual Storage | Military |
MVS | minimum visible signal | Government |
MVS | Multiple Virtual System | Computing |
MVS | Muzzle Velocity System | Military |
MVS | Multiple Virtual Support | Computing |
MVS | More Volume Sales | Business |
MVS | Munivest Florida Fund | NYSE Symbol |